Thursday, 28 October 2010

Federal law enforcement authorities have arrested a Northern Virginia man in connection with an alleged plot to carry out a series of BOMBINGS

Federal law enforcement authorities have arrested a Northern Virginia man in connection with an alleged plot to carry out a series of terrorist bombings at stations in the Washington Metro system, according to a federal indictment.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Virgin María told him to buy a flat with money from the faithful

Padre Ángel told the court that the Virgin María told him to buy a flat with money from the faithful

A priest from Picassent in Valencia who is accused of tax fraud has said that being a priest he thought that he did not have to pay any tax.

However the Valencia Archbishopric does not recognise Padre Ángel as a priest at all.

Padre Ángel claims that he has contact with the Virgen María and that he purchased a flat at her request. He set up his own religious order, La Junta de la Esclavitud del Sagrado Corazon de Jesús, (The Order of Slavery of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) and purchased the flat and other land in Picassent, Gandía and Valencia with the money donated by the faithful.

He was on the accused bench of the Valencia Provincial Court on Tuesday and now faces a possible eight year prison sentence, accused of defrauding 386,139 € from the taxman between the years 1992 and 2003.

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